Sunday, February 7, 2010

Shock Wave

Have you ever been separated from something or someone for so long that your time away made you a different person, but when reunited you were overwhelmed because the nature of what had been absent in your life was so different than the life you willingly chose?

I can think of many examples... friends, a loved one...

For me tonight, it wasn't a person, but a thing... the television.

I have gone without a television for so long that I don't even think about it, but tonight I watched one for 5 straight hours. And it took so much of my time and energy away. When sitting there, all I thought about were the constant messages being put out from the screen. I really think we should call them message boxes.... because that is what they are... a box that constantly delivers messages.

The thing is... as a Christian, I don't want all those messages in my mind...

yeah. Oh, Superbowl Sunday.