Thursday, September 3, 2009


Update time: I have been learning so much about what I want my family to look like someday, and how that is possible. True... much of it does center around the man in the home, the husband, the father, but more importantly the priest of the house. He is such an integral part on every level. I realize I am not a man, but at least now I have clarity in what I am actually hoping to marry. I don't expect my husband to be super man, because I am human and I am full of mistakes, past regrets, hurts and failures... but God. He is faithful to forgive us from all our sin and he heals us so gently. : ) No, I don't expect perfection, but now I know what we are striving for.

I desire to be a mom above most everything else in this life save a faithful follower of our Lord Jesus Christ.

To God be all the glory. Amen.