While on my walk I stopped long enough to stare at the moon and thought about Gideon who stared at this very same moon and battled while it stood still because he prayed for daylight to complete the battle.
Then I thought about George Washington when I looked at the North Star. He saw the same star that I did. I am no different than these amazing men of God who lived their lives entirely for the purpose of the Kingdom. I challenged myself, what is stopping me? What am I to do next?
Sometimes I ask the wrong questions when I am looking for an answer, and I think today is an example of that. More than exploring my next assignment, I need to explore the character of God. I stood there in the middle of the early morning longing to know God... the creator of all that I see, He designed everything to work together perfectly... including me. I know that He has a specific purpose and call on my life. He is the answer to everything.
So, I felt God say to me that He is going to reveal himself to me through one aspect of his character at a time and I am to study that attribute until he reveals the next.
God is mysterious. This is an attribute of his character that I have not studied before, but I am excited to learn.
"And he made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ" - Ephesians 1:9
"Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed" - 1 Corinthians 15:51