Life seems like a roller coaster at times. At least it does when I am making big decisions. I visited my new home last weekend, God willing of course. (I've been learning to carefully choose my words as the book of James recommends. Our plans are only good if it is in God's will.)
I certainly enjoyed my trip to the East Coast. I had several prayer requests, and God was faithful to answer all of them. Some days I look around and I'm simply shocked at how God answers my prayers. I am so grateful. I've just been given so much - and then some.
So, it looks like I will have a place to stay in a nice condo on the beach with a wonderful, hospitable family. : ) Who can complain about that? haha. I am still overwhelmed at their generosity. I also found a church home and I think I'm really going to like it. The people are friendly, the doctrine is sound, they are vibrant and alive. : ) I also have a friend there already. We went to school together and she is great. She is one of those friends that you know you can count on, you definitely trust, she knows the real you, and you think alike. I am so blessed to know that she will be there for my first two years. I don't think I ever imagined that I would be so set up before I ever got there. The husband of the couple that I have connected with called me when I returned to work on Monday and left me the nicest voicemail. I feel so taken care of.
I am so thankful. Looking back on everything, I sometimes just wonder, why is everything in my life so easy? I mean, granted law school is not going to be easy, and the LSAT wasn't easy, and having the faith to move in a direction when all the pieces aren't in place (namely thousands of dollars)- that may not be easy, but one thing is for sure.... I felt like I should move in a certain direction toward law school and God has been clearly aligning my steps ever since then. I got the score I needed on the LSAT, I got into school, I have a place to live, I have a church, I have friends, I have a mom and a dad type figure looking out for me and I have been given favor with the professors at the law school and my immediate family is totally supportive although I am going to miss them greatly. What more could I ask for? Oh, and did I mention that I have also been offered a place to work my second year with the organization of my dreams. Yeah, I think my steps are aligned.
So, with all of that I found myself thinking... why am I so blessed? I have come up with two thoughts. First one takes me back to a day back in June of last year when I was contemplating just how blessed I am ... and the verse in Corinthians rang loud and clear in my spirit... "to whom much is given, much is required and they must prove faithful." I pray that I will prove faithful.
The other thought is from a conversation with my mom earlier this week... she told me that I need to thank my grandma because she isn't doing well, but I need to let her know that my moving and pursuing these dreams is in large part of her prayers. Mom told me that she used to watch Pat Robertson on the 700 club and give to the American Center for Law and Justice. She prayed for me and this was so dear to her heart. My mom gently reminded me that I am thriving like I am because of the prayers of people I may not even know... ( Which I know is true because my mom always has her connect group praying for me and I haven't even met those ladies). I love the body of Christ. This also challenges me... who am I praying for? Prayer is so powerful.
Thank you Lord for your goodness. Help me to be faithful and a light in this new City and thank you for going before me to pave the way.
There aren't words for how good you are. Sometimes I just feel like you're the dad gently holding my hand and leading me through a busy crowd, and I walk a step behind you hand in hand, fully trusting - completely knowing that you are taking care of me. Just as a little girl feels so safe as long as her daddy is right by her side, thats how I feel.
Well, I just got a text from my boss and he asked me about the scholarships... which is what I told him I was waiting on. So, I knew he wanted to ask if I had made my decision. Well, I have. : ) I am going. Lord, help me to keep my hand firmly in yours and help me as I find it hard to trust the rest... The last piece of it all is the rest of my tuition money. Father, please help me. Thank you for being faithful all the way to the end.
Back to the roller coaster....
Why does life seem so lonely sometimes? I think its because you've tasted the real thing and you're hungry for the real deal... Heaven. God I kinda feel like that right now. I find myself craving what can only be satisfied by you. I look forward to Heaven - my true home. Come Lord Jesus, come. I want to be with you.